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How the Best Debt Collectors Can Help You Recover Your Money

Debt recovery is a challenging task when it comes to operating a business. While there are debtors who are willing to pay off their debts but have no means due to their circumstances, there are others who do not feel obligated to settle their debts.

So, how can you recover your money and clear your accounts?
Many companies choose to hire a debt recovery agency to take care of follow-ups on payments and ensure that the debtor makes the payout at the earliest.

However, there are several challenges associated with hiring just any agency. As a leading debt recovery agency having expertise in handling all types of debt recovery situations, we know that the biggest problem is that most people avoid any calls and emails from debt collectors for fear of humiliation. This can become a significant roadblock in debt recovery.

Before we discuss how our professionals can help you get your money back, let’s take a look at why most people avoid debt collectors.

Why Do Debtors Avoid Debt Collectors?


Usually, debt collection agencies take a rough approach when it comes to recovering debts. This would include strong language against the person, sometimes to the point of being threatening. However, you should know that the best debt collectors would not attack the dignity of the debtor. Instead, they would their experience and knowledge to come up with the best possible solution according to the situation.

Not Knowing What to Do

Most people are unaware of their rights as a debtor. Hence, they tend to avoid calls and emails from debt collectors. Lack of communication is one of the biggest hurdles the professionals have to face. There are laws against debt recovery agencies that use threatening language towards a debtor. Such a situation can be avoided only if debt collectors understand the laws themselves and function within the boundaries of their jobs.
So, what can you do if you are struggling with recovering debts despite hiring a debt recovery agency?

The answer is, hire the best debt collectors.

At eCollect, we have a team of the best debt collectors who can help you recover your payments without resorting to extreme measures.

How Our Skilled Professionals Can Help You?

Tact is the answer to this question. We have a team of the best debt collectors who are extremely tactful, besides being highly skilled and professional. While some people respond to friendly and respectful requests, others might need just a little extra nudge to make the payment. Our experts are skilled at identifying the approach for each debtor and applying it to get your money back.

Build a Relationship with the Debtor

While some people do not pay off their debts because they have no means to do so, others do not feel obligated. Our debt collectors tactfully deal with each debtor, building a relationship in the process that helps them recover your money, without having to resort to unpleasant measures.

Expertise in Handling Different Industry Debt Types

Debt recovery is different for each sector. Our debt collectors are highly trained and have expertise in identifying an approach depending on the field. From handling accounting professionals to childcare providers, our debt collectors possess the skills and knowledge required to deal with debtors from various sectors.

Recovering Debt from Debtors Who Won’t Pay

The toughest part of debt recovery is dealing with debtors who can but will not pay. Our team of debt collectors take a logical approach to identify the problem they are facing and work out a solution with them. If they still refuse to pay, our debt collectors will impress upon them the need for payment or the possibility of facing litigation.

Let Us Help You Tackle Tough Debtors!

eCollect can help you recover your debts by assigning you one of our best debt collectors, who hold expertise in your industry debt type. Your account manager will liaise with your debtor and keep you posted on every development. To know more, give us a call at 1300 666 585 or write to us at We’ll be glad to assist you!

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